was ask, how much long it takes to march on Parade day. Usually
takes at least, 45 minutes to march around the Downtown area. The
length of the parade in miles, would be 1 and 1/2 mile. I have
created a route map to explain it better. I used the Yahoo map service to create the route
that The Orlando Citrus Parade will use, on Parade day.
This map is just an example that was used on prior parade years, by no
means, this is a final idea of how the parade will be set up and is up
to the Florida Citrus Sports Organization, to decide at any time where
the Orlando Citrus Parade will take place and which route will be used
to march.
(The map was revised on October 16, 2006. Includes a change in
the new location for Grandstand and TV Crew, which will now be Lake
Eola Park and not the City Hall.)
This site is not related to
Citrus Sports (FCS SPORTS), The Orlando Citrus Parade
organizers. Images on this site are free to use, provided that
you will credit Carol Alfonso as the author of the materials.
PLEASE, if you use any images on your site, please link them back to
this site.