Sorry for having you waiting for an update!
I will be working some updates and stay tuned, cause I will later tell you all if the Tennessee Vols are coming or LSU Tigers would be invited. The Florida Gators will not be invited, since they won last night to Arkansas for the SEC conference and will go to a BCS Bowl. So, Wisconsin fans, get your countdowns ready for this evening!
By the way, I did not explained the Bowl A Palooza that Florida Citrus Sports was promoting on their web site. It is actually a concert featuring rock band Third Eye Blind and will come right after the Orlando Citrus Parade.
So, "How is going to be, when you don't know me anymore...." That song?
So, once I get to find the other team playing Wisconsin, will be posted on the site. Also I will enter another video file from the 25th Annual Orlando Citrus Parade and some audio clips will be uploaded as well.
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