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Citrus Parade in Orlando
Citrus Parade in Orlando
Sunday, 3 December 2006

Figure this out! Earlier, I entered the prior update and according to the sources, I was under the believe that Florida Citrus Sports would pick another team, instead of Arkansas. The reason was that after the Florida defeat of Arkansas, then everybody was telling that for the Capital One Bowl it would be either Tennessee or LSU and would not include Arkansas!

Well, Florida Citrus Sports went against the forecast and decided to pick on Arkansas to face Wisconsin on the Capital One Bowl! So that means that fans of both Wisconsin and Arkansas will be joining us in celebrating the big game and of course, their marching bands will also participate in the 26th Annual Orlando Citrus Parade on December 30, 2006. Sorry for Tennessee and LSU! Better luck next time!

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Posted by citrusparadeorlando at 6:03 PM EST
Where back! 27 days to Citrus Parade!

Sorry for having you waiting for an update!

I will be working some updates and stay tuned, cause I will later tell you all if the Tennessee Vols are coming or LSU Tigers would be invited. The Florida Gators will not be invited, since they won last night to Arkansas for the SEC conference and will go to a BCS Bowl. So, Wisconsin fans, get your countdowns ready for this evening!

By the way, I did not explained the Bowl A Palooza that Florida Citrus Sports was promoting on their web site. It is actually a concert featuring rock band Third Eye Blind and will come right after the Orlando Citrus Parade.

So, "How is going to be, when you don't know me anymore...." That song?

So, once I get to find the other team playing Wisconsin, will be posted on the site. Also I will enter another video file from the 25th Annual Orlando Citrus Parade and some audio clips will be uploaded as well.

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Posted by citrusparadeorlando at 1:47 PM EST
Friday, 10 November 2006
Where back! Sorry for the posting delay....

Here is the countdown to The Orlando Citrus Parade: 50 days!

The Orlando Citrus Parade organizers has prepared a kids contest where the winner will be allowed to ride the car that will lead the parade on December 30, 2006. Kids ages 5 to 10, that lives in the Central Florida area, will show their abilities to hand draw the Orlando Citrus Parade's Official Mascot.

Also more TV station will join in the Parade Broadcast and it is possible that the Parade will go to Australia. Yes, you read! Down Under! At least the plans are to clear out the Parade broadcast to Australia, Singapore, Canada and The UK.

One more thing.... Would you like to hear the Orlando Citrus Parade from 2005? I thought was impossible, but here is why. When I attended the Parade in 2005, I took some audio of the Parade, from the Marching Bands and the noises from the floats. But I was not sure on how I would upload those, since I would take the whole space from the Tripod Server and then, came the Evoca Web Site!

I just inserted a mic operated box that will allow you to send a message. I may insert another one at the front of the page. So I will need your feed back. Don't send me nasty stuff cause I will ignore it! So here is the open mic!

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Posted by citrusparadeorlando at 3:33 PM EST
Thursday, 5 October 2006
Countdown to the 26th Annual Orlando Citrus Parade: 84 Days

The countdown keeps going on!

I will update during the weekend and will have some additional stuff.

20 Marching Bands will join the Parade!

Volunteers are being taken (Read below).

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Posted by citrusparadeorlando at 9:40 PM EDT
Updated: Friday, 6 October 2006 10:53 PM EDT
Saturday, 30 September 2006
Countdown to 26th Annual Orlando Citrus Parade: 87 Days

There is a countdown going on! As of today, there will be 87 days before the 26th Annual Orlando Citrus Parade on December 30th, 2006.

Florida Citrus Sports has revamped the entire web site and has more information on the Orlando Citrus Parade, as well as for the volunteer opportunities. If interested in decorating the Citrus Parade Floats with lots of Citrus, please contact Amber Mundinger, the Parade Coordinator or call 407-423-2476 to sign up for volunteer. The dates will be around December 26 to the 29. Will bring more details soon.

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Posted by citrusparadeorlando at 9:45 PM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, 3 October 2006 10:05 PM EDT
Sunday, 20 August 2006
Were back!

The Orlando Citrus Parade is back! Is on December 30, 2006. Check out the Citrus Parade in Orlando for the latest. I have listed some of the Marching Bands that has confirmed their participation in the Parade. More information will be posted at the Blog page and the Web Site. So where going to have a PARADE!!!!

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Posted by citrusparadeorlando at 9:03 PM EDT
Test using Qumana Blog Builder

Test Using Qumana Blog Builder

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Posted by citrusparadeorlando at 9:00 PM EDT
Updated: Sunday, 20 August 2006 9:02 PM EDT
Monday, 19 June 2006
Test for Citrus Parade Video @ You Tube

Posted by citrusparadeorlando at 8:20 PM EDT
Friday, 21 April 2006
Remembering Tom Mickle of Florida Citrus Sports
Just a small update, because on recent days, Florida Citrus Sports Executive Director Tom Mickle passed away at the Florida Citrus Sports office, while working on the organization's daily routines involving current projects and upcoming major events like The Capital One Bowl and The 26th Annual Orlando Citrus Parade.

Mickle was 55 at the time of his passing and he was battling some form of cancer, after a surgery was performed, late January 2006. Tom Mickle was supervising the operations of the Florida Citrus Bowl stadium and also was the co-founder of the Bowl Coalition (BCS) system that is used to decide which college football teams are selected to participate in the college bowls during the Holiday season.

Our toughts and condolences goes to his family and also to the people behind the Florida Citrus Sports organization.

Tough I never met Tom Mickle, while volunteering for the Citrus Parade event, I feel proud of his hard work for the Central Florida community. The only thing I found out, was that I did decorated the floats for the Florida Citrus Sports Organization and Tom Mickle was riding those floats with pride! He sure will be missed!

Posted by citrusparadeorlando at 7:58 PM EDT
Sunday, 22 January 2006
The Citrus Parade Orlando report 1-22-06
Now Playing: Waiting for the bandwith to lower more!
I have not made too much updates, since the end of the 25th Annual Orlando Citrus Parade. But, I'm waiting for the bandwith limits to lower a little bit. Since the last month's parade activity, the whole Citrus Parade in Orlando web site has gained more visitors. As much as 5000 visitors came on December 30th, 2005. The excessive number of visitors, almost shut down the site. I guess I will end up buying more bandwith, so that means that the site will have more space for thousands of visitors to come during the 26th Annual Orlando Citrus Parade, next December 2006.

In the upcoming weeks, there will be more additions to the Citrus Parade in Orlando web site. Also I believe that in February, the organizers of the Parade at Florida Citrus Sports, will be selecting the Marching Bands that will qualify for the 26th Annual Orlando Citrus Parade.

So, to recap, there is more to come, but I have to check on the bandwith space available, before I add more content to the site.

Posted by citrusparadeorlando at 12:42 PM EST

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